Friday, August 26, 2011

vendredi soir

Bonjour !

Just a quick update while it's on my mind...Our apartment is darling and cozy for sure, I'll get around to getting pics soon, but unfortunately it has its pitfalls. This building, built in 1850, has extremely thin walls and we've been warned about our sensitive neighbor who shares his bedroom wall with our living room. Well, there's a tenant somewheres around here (we've got neighbors on every side except below us) who fancies themself a musician. This is Paris, can't he go sing sappy songs and play guitar in a street somewhere? I wouldn't be bothered by it if he weren't crappy's the truth I'm sorry.

Our 'sensitive' neighbor is pretty friendly, to me at least. I ran in to him in the hallway yesterday morning with his two cats! We had a brief talk about his cats in french, he walks them every day! Can you imagine? Maybe I should try this with Bert and Earnie...

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